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It was pouring showers and the rain was soaked into Lan Phuong's clothes. She had a cold, her eyes blurred and rushed to the Minh building. Suddenly in the distance, there was a light hovering like a ghost walking towards Lan Phuong, she stopped, trembling in fear. Is that Lan Phuong? - Women's voice mixed with the sound of rain. As the people are patrolling the night! Like drowning on a life buoy, Lan Phuong ran to, grabbed the maid, asked for help, said she was out of breath. Yes ... there's a ghost, my room has a ghost. Yes, Ms. Lan Phuong came with me. Dallas Cowboys Punisher Skull All Over Print 3D T-shirt. She goes with me. The lamp was raised, his face was clearly visible under the dim light. Pale facial expression, hair pulled back by rain, blood flowing from eyes, nose, and mouth. Lan Phuong's limbs fell apart. Immediately, a cold hand grabbed her neck, squeezing. Lan Phuong rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to take a sip of air. The sound of raindrops and savage laughter made her ears buzzing, Lan Phuong weakly resisted, finally letting go of her hands. Will she die? Well, anyway, living unhappily, since birth she had always suffered. Only sad, tried to live to this day, but still have to receive a bitter end.
Homepage: Teasearch3D

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